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If you feel a strong urge to help in the construction of Solomon’s Temple while you’re reading these words, you can be sure: The Holy Spirit is responsible for that.

“… for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill His good purpose”. Philippians 2:13

If you’ve been touched by God, you can send your donation to:

Banco do Brasil
Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus
Agency 3221-2
Account# 1257-2

Banco Bradesco
Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus
Agência 3396-0
Conta 0240-2


You can make an online donation.

We ask that:
After you’ve made a bank deposit, place the deposit receipt in an envelope and bring it to the nearest UCKG.

Or mail it to the following address: Rua Missionários, 139- Jardim Caravelas – Santo Amaro – SP CEP 04729 000

This receipt is important in order to confirm that we’ve received your donation.

Be blessed, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!