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Universal Church helps 3.4 million people through social outreach programs

Imagem de capa - Universal Church helps 3.4 million people through social outreach programs

The Universal Church assists more than 3.4 million poor or marginalized Brazilians throughout all 26 states and the Federal District. This is what was concluded by an unprecedented survey done by the institution, which was founded 40 years ago, upon the social outreach programs it provides.

Among those cared for, there are elderly that are abandoned by their family, homeless, addicts, youths with no prospects for the future, illiterates, prisoners and their relatives, women that have been victims of violence, pregnant women with no one and nowhere to turn to. We offer support to a multitude of vulnerable, underserved Brazilians who receive little or no attention from the public sector.

Approximately 250,000 people volunteer in the UCKG’s social outreach programs, lending their time and professional knowledge to help almost two out of every 100 Brazilians, providing professional referrals, legal advice, social assistance, support in the fight against addiction, clinical exams, health care, sports, leisure, culture, besides food for the hungry and warmth for the homeless.

To ease the suffering of millions of Brazilians that live in poverty, volunteers from a group named People of the Community, visit poor communities to provide assistance with health care, community, psychological, aesthetic and legal. In 2016, until November, the program helped 680,000 people.

In the same time frame, the Night Angels group helped 560,000 homeless people in all the capitals and large cities throughout the country. With each visit, the volunteers handed out food and blankets, as well as the support of lawyers, doctors, nurses and social workers.
Free and far from crime

With one of the largest prison populations in the world – 622,000 detainees – the Brazilian prison system is considered insolvent by the authorities that maintain it. Data from the National Council of Justice stated that one in four convicted people return to a life of crime.

The work the Universal does with the prisoners and their families of reinserting the inmate into society is nationally recognized.

In 2016, the Universal in Prison program benefited more than 498,000 inmates and youth offenders. Also, the families of 340,000 prisoners received the support from this program, with free breakfasts at the doors of the prisons during visitation days, as well as legal and social assistance.

Youth and elderly

Volunteer work is also done by the youth of the Church.

Activities organized by the Universal Youth Group benefited 838,000 people last year. There were blood drives, awareness campaigns against the use of cellphones behind the wheel, healthy living, visits to children with cancer, as well as events to fight against drugs.

The youth group also offers activities and courses to help young people from disadvantaged communities professionally.

The Universal’s solidarity also reaches the elderly, with volunteers from the Caleb group, which in 2016 helped more than 387,000 seniors throughout Brazil, through social interaction, courses, and physical activity.

Take a look at the numbers below of the Universal’s social outreach programs:

People of the Community – Support for underprivileged communities

Volunteers – 17,543

Helped – 679,187

Night Angels – Support for the homeless population

Volunteers – 16,016

Helped – 560,152

Caleb – Support for the elderly

Volunteers – 11,400

Helped – 386,854

Youth Group – Support for the youth

Volunteers – 170,099

Helped – 837,469

Reading and Writing – Literacy and Vocational Courses

Volunteers – 230

Helped – 4,382

Prison – Reformation of Prisoners

Volunteers – 10,000

Helped – 837,746

Raabe – Support for women who are or were victims of violence

Volunteers – 1,740

Helped – 55,634

T-Amar – Support for women who are mothers

Volunteers – 7,965

Helped – 26,166

Addiction Cleansing Therapy – Support group for dependents and addicts

Volunteers – 9,000

Helped – 55,000

Total volunteers – 243,993

Total people helped – 3,442,590

Would you like to know more about each group or be part of one of them? Visit the nearest Church to your home and ask the person in charge.

(*) With UniCom information