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We need this Fast

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There is a specific fast that is very helpful for the times we live in. It cleanses, sanctifies, and prevents us from suffering a series of troubles in life.

Curious? It is the fast of small talk. That’s right, you read it correctly!

The Bible says:

Whoever guards his mouth and tongue keeps his soul from troubles. Proverbs 21.23

So we can affirm that keeping our mouth closed promotes peace in the soul. This is, when the tongue is under the control of the Spirit, it does not get involved with constant small talk, which allows more time to look within oneself.

This is great, because, after all, we have many flaws to work on, right?

I think that those who feel comfortable with being in everyone else’s business must consider themselves “perfect,” so they put themselves in this role.

Therefore, let’s not forget: those who practice the Word of God will enjoy a great reward: a calmer, less troubled, more proactive, and more productive life.

So let’s start this fast, God’s people?

Collaborated by: Nubia Siqueira