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What used to be impractical

Imagem de capa - What used to be impractical


Finally brothers,
WHATEVER is true,
WHATEVER is honorable,
WHATEVER is just,
WHATEVER is pure,
WHATEVER is lovely,
WHATEVER is commendable;
if there is any moral excellence and if there is any praise,
DWELL on these things.
Philippians 4.8 (HCSB)

Many have spoken of the great need to obey the Word of God.

In regards to obedience, we cannot choose what we want to obey.
Either we obey or we obey!

The apostle Paul suggests something that is difficult for us to practice, especially nowadays days, but it’s not impossible.
He suggests what we should think about.

The mind is an empty space that is constantly visited.

Our obligation is to select who will occupy it or not.

You would never allow someone you considered dangerous to live in your house. Likewise, we cannot harbor thoughts that are harmful.

These thoughts neutralize faith, and without faith it is impossible to please God. It’s an attack 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 31 days a month and so on.

But during the Fast of Daniel we link our thoughts with the Thoughts of God. The truth is that all those who want to please God will acknowledge that the Fast should be part of our daily lives, just like our daily Bread.

To Sum it up:
The Fast of Daniel also helps us do what used to be impractical.