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Who is greater, you or your bank account balance?

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Seriously, think about it. Whether your bank account balance is in the millions or in the red, which of you is greater?

You know what the answer should be. That you’re greater. Which would be the correct answer, at least in theory. But, in reality, it’s not so simple.

I would definitely say that Glen James was greater than his bank account balance. For starters, he didn’t even have a bank account. He was homeless and living on the streets of Boston since 2005. Then one beautiful day last month, while wandering through the streets, he found a backpack with 40 thousand dollars. “Finders, keepers.” right? Not for Glen.

Even though he lived on the streets and lived off the charity of others, he went to the police and turned in the backpack, which also contained the owner’s passport. The police found its owner and returned the money. The story caught the media’s attention throughout the world. After seeing the news in another state, Ethan Whittington, was inspired by Glen’s gesture and started a campaign to generate donations on the internet to help Glen get off the streets. A month later the campaign had raised $160 thousand dollars.

Glen, Ethan and those policemen are a rare find in this world. Most of us wouldn’t have done the same thing if we were in their shoes. They literally showed that they’re greater than money.

If you are greater than your bank account balance, which may be pretty low at the moment, why feel depressed?

If you are greater than your bank account balance, and it is pleasingly plump, why do you have such a hard time being generous?

One of the reasons why God created tithes and offerings was so that we would be above money, never below it. The idea behind tithing is recognizing that God is the owner of all things, not us. The idea of offerings is to stimulate generosity and a belief that He will never leave us in need of anything.

You are greater than your bank account balance because:

  • You are an intelligent individual, money is just paper
  • You make money, money does not make you
  • You are worth much more than what money can buy
  • You are a child of the Owner of all the gold and silver of this world
  • One day this will all be left behind, but you will remain forever.

Once you have this conviction, money will come after you, like it eventually came after Glen. And you will no longer be afraid of being generous, giving to those who deserve it and those who don’t.

You are greater than your bank account balance. Believe it. Live it.