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Who is the church of the Lord Jesus?

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Jesus said, “And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it,” Matthew 16.18

When we meditate on these words, we think of a church full people, on a Sunday morning, a beautiful thing to see!

As a matter of fact, there isn’t a pastor who doesn’t like to see the assistants having a hard time finding seats for people, as he walks up onto the altar. And among the large crowd, after reading the verse quoted by Jesus, the following question is asked: Who here is the church of Jesus? It is obvious that the answer is on the tip of their tongues, everyone unanimously raises their hands and shouts in a chorus: “Me” – with their voice full of emotion and enthusiasm.

Now, let’s use our reason and analyze this carefully. If all these people are the church part of Christ, then, why has the gates of hell prevailed against those who claim it? They lead a completely destroyed life, as much or even more than the unbelievers who were never taught about the faith that is taught in Church.

The answer is that there are still many people who have not yet become part of the church of the Lord Jesus. They are merely privileged members of an institution which bears a name, for example, the Universal of the Kingdom of God.

The church that Jesus refers to in this passage is from His own neck down, because He is the Head.

“And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all,” Ephesians 1.22,23

After His death and resurrection, the Lord Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, remains present in this world, because the true church is the body of Jesus from the neck down, in motion, here on this earth. This body is made up of people who once surrendered themselves, body, soul and spirit to the Almighty, and were born of God, becoming one Spirit with the Author of faith.

How can the gates of hell prevail against this body, which is nourished with the essence of power, fire, light, and the anointing of the Almighty?

If the gates of hell have prevailed against you, the devil has done with you as he pleases, this is, you have submitted yourself to him by living in sin, this is a sign that you are not yet part of the church of the Lord Jesus.
Assistants, and all others, the question still remains: Are you the church of the Lord Jesus? Or are you still just a privileged member of an institution?

God bless you.