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Why not seek justice?

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Justice means giving someone that which is due. Have you received what is rightly due to you? Have you attained all your rights? We know the answer. But now we are going to understand why.

Everyone wants justice, but not everyone seeks it. There are five main reasons for this:

1. There is no law that resolves their problem. Though there are many laws, there are injustices that cannot be resolved by laws. Which law forces a husband leave his mistress? Or a son stop using drugs?

2. The person does not know his rights. Laws give people rights, but some people do not know their rights.

3. Justice is expensive. Paying for a good lawyer, taking time from your busy schedule to follow the entire process, waiting for the trial… All this can be very expensive and does not offer any guarantees.

4. Do not believe in justice. Have you ever been robbed or suffered some kind of loss or crime, and decided not to report it to the police? Probably because you thought it wouldn’t resolve the problem. You did not believe that justice would be done.

5. You think that God’s justice is automatic. How often do people that have been wronged say or think, “It’s in God’s hands”? But, neither the justice of men nor the justice of God comes without pleading your case. “Present your case, says the Lord.” Isaiah 41.21

These are the reasons why many do not receive justice. And it’s understandable, when we are talking about the justice of men, because it is a real letdown. However, not seeking God’s justice is, to say the least, enjoying being injustice.

God hates injustice. He wants to justify His children so much that the Scriptures say He plays the role of our judge, lawyer, legislator and witness. Imagine pleading your case in a courtroom where your father is the judge, your older brother is the lawyer and your main witness is your best friend!

God’s greatest will is to do justice.

“And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them? I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?” (Jesus, in Luke 18.7-8)

Thank God that His justice is available to all who use their faith.