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Winning souls

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Souls are the essence of all the work we do. And for those who have a passion to win souls, there is no better place to work than with the assistants.

Every assistant should be aware that all of his work, all of his commitment to the Work of God, must be focused on winning souls. When he is not dedicated to this purpose, he has no use in the Kingdom of God since he was saved to save others.

Of course, his greatest concern and close attention should be on his own Salvation. Only then should he place all of his strength into saving those who are lost, and warn those who are supposedly in faith, and think they are standing, about the risk they face of spiritually falling if they do not keep watch.

What is the salary of a soul winner? What makes a soul winner very happy? What brings a soul winner pleasure? The answer is very simple: to see a person come before God completely destroyed, failing, hopeless, broken, rejected by everyone and everything, and be able to contemplate their life being restored. This is the salary and greatest joy of a soul winner.

For this reason, we are promoting August 28th as the first day of the Consecration of Souls. The entire day will be dedicated to those who are suffering. On this day, the assistants will bring Souls to the Church to be consecrated.

At the end of the meeting, they will visit nursing homes, hospitals, orphanages, prisons and people that have fallen away from God. This day will be the first of many, because we will be separating the last Sunday of every month to realize the Consecration of Souls.