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The Wonders of God in Argentina

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Good morning, Bishop!
I was speaking with the pastors that are responsible for the Work throughout the states of Argentina, and they began sharing the wonderful testimonies of people who were blessed when you challenged them to test the Word of God, via videoconference from Buenos Aires to all of Argentina. You referred to Psalm 19.7:

The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul…

Yanina Góngora, from Mar del Plata city, was among these people:

YaninaGongora-Mar-del-Plata“Three weeks ago, I returned to the Universal Church. I had a void that couldn’t be filled by anything. Bishop Macedo’s words touched me in such a way that I decided to stop using drugs, drinking, hanging out with the wrong crowd and end a relationship that was contrary to the will of God.

When the Bishop challenged us to test the Word of God, I decided to get baptized in water. Today I am a different Yanina.”


Mrs. Esther Sánchez, 63, was suffering with pain since she was 17. She tells us:

EsterSanchez-LaRioja“When I arrived at the meeting, I was feeling a lot of pain in my back and hips. I suffered from osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and scoliosis, which prevented me from walking. I could barely stand during the meeting. But when Bishop Macedo prayed, saying that if God was there, something had to happen, I put all my faith in the Word and received proof that It is true, because all the pain disappeared. It was incredible! Today I am healed and very happy.”

From the city of Rio Cuarto, more than 600 km away from Buenos Aires, Maria Saldivia tells us:
“My daughter had been bedridden for over a week. She could not get up. We went to several doctors, who prescribed medicine, but her condition did not change. I called her before the meeting and she was still in the same situation. When the Bishop cried out to God, I prayed in her favor and charged an answer through the Word of God. When the meeting ended, I called her again; she was healed and walking.”

FabianSalasemae1One month ago, Fabian Dario Salas came to the Universal Church addicted to alcohol, marijuana, cocaine and LSD. He was angry and aggressive. He was determined to take his own life, when his mother found him on the train tracks. However, on Sunday, when Bishop Macedo challenged those who had faith to surrender their lives on the Altar 100%, Fabian made the most important decision of his life: surrender to God and be baptized in water. His soul was restored and he decided not to return to the addictions. “I am a new man after participating in this meeting, because I made a pact with God.”


Mr. Daniel Gonzalez is another example:

DanielGonzalez-Boulogne“Bishop Macedo’s words opened my eyes, because I realized that I had used my revolt for many things, such as being delivered from addictions and to solve problems in my family, but I had never thought of using it to receive the Holy Spirit. When the Bishop invited us to test the Word of God, I revolted against that situation and charged God for His Holy Spirit, and this time I was baptized with the Holy Spirit.”


Rocio Romero, from the province of Santa Fe, says:

RocioRomero-SantaFe“When the Bishop asked us to put the Word of God to the test, I took the Bible and told God that if He wanted me as His servant, He had to give me His Spirit at that moment, because it is written that those who ask will receive. I received Him that Sunday; I was baptized with the Holy Spirit. It was the first time in 3 years that I left the Church with the conviction that God is in me.”


Bishop, about 5,500 people throughout the country decided to get baptized in water.
There was Salvation!

May God bless you, Mrs. Esther and all of your family.