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I wouldn't like to pay to see what the Apocalypse will be like. There are three ways to prepare for the day when the Father will seek those who are His. Are you ready?

The word “Apocalypse” is in many people’s minds (not only people of faith but also scientists and philosophers). It is not very difficult to conclude that this world will not last forever. This Earth has an expiry date.

But we’re going to talk about the Scriptures. The prophecies point to the end of the world. “Apocalypse” comes from the Greek word for “Revelation” because the Lord Jesus reveals to His servants what will happen at the end of time. Only the servants will understand what is written there.

We have seen many things happening. The Bible, for example, says that we would see many signs in the heavens. We are witnessing the phenomenon of the Nothern Lights in parts of the world where it has never occurred. People are so disconnected from what happens around them that they don’t realise it; they say they are everyday things. Nature is showing it to man. The heavens, rain, and winds preach God’s Word to man. We have seen solar storms (the sun experiences events that impacts the Earth), meteors, and floods more intense than ever. Some of these events have already happened, but not with the intensity and frequency with which they have happened.

I want to leave with you 3 ways for you to protect yourself from the Apocalypse.

1) Read the Bible, especially the Book of Revelation.

The Book of Revelation concludes humanity’s history. It is one of the most difficult biblical books to understand because of its symbols (but it was written so that only servants understood). Also, read the Gospels. The Lord Jesus spoke about the end of time (Matthew 24, for example). The book “The World Will Burn” also explains this biblical book verse by verse.

2) You have to solve the problem of your soul.

Those who have the problem of the unresolved soul will have to face the consequences of reaching eternity without salvation. Death means separation from God. It entered the world as a result of sin. So, the problem with the soul is sin. You cannot say, “I’m not going to sin,” because everyone sins. You need the pardon of the Righteous Judge. And for this, you need to have accepted the sacrifice He offered to cover your sins, which was the life of His Son. You must believe in the Lord Jesus as the Saviour of your soul. The best way to prepare for the Apocalypse is not to be here to see it because the rapture of the saved will occur, and God will take His Church out of this world.

3) Live each day as if it were your last.

Live as if the Lord Jesus will come back today. This way, you will always be prepared for whatever comes and goes.

Do your part. And I also advise you, do not pay the price of seeing the Apocalypse.

The entire message is in the video above.

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Bishop Renato Cardoso