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The heart is one of the biggest scammers that ever existed, you have the option to accept the truth or deceive yourself with the lie

Emotions are deceiving, not always what we feel is real. Like an optical illusion in which a person looks at one thing and thinks it’s another.

See what the Holy text says:

And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. 2 Corinthians 11:14

With this, we understand that we should not be carried away by appearances. After all, even Satan knows how to cause an impact with sight, words and emotions. Knowing how sensations deceive the human being, the angel of darkness works to deceive people, pretending to be something he is not.

He began in the Garden of Eden, when – with words – he deceived the woman. Thousands of years have passed and Satan’s work remains the same, but human beings do not learn.

How to avoid this trap? Listen to the full message to learn once and for all.

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Bishop Renato Cardoso