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All the promises of Psalm 91 are for those who dwell in the shelter of the Most High. The choice is ultimately yours!

I want to invite you to dive with me into Psalm 91. It’s not to only scratch the surface; it’s to really dive in. Because most people, despite knowing this Psalm well, have never delved into its meaning.

Psalm 91 is traditionally known as a Psalm written by David (some say it was Moses, but it is more likely that it was David). It is also known as the “Soldier’s Psalm” because, in the past, in great wars, soldiers used to go to war and carry a copy of the Psalm in their pocket or recite it by heart. Because it is a Psalm of security, which exalts the power of God and the guarantee of those who are protected in the Shelter of the Most High.

It has 3 voices that speak in this Psalm. It begins with the psalmist’s voice: “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty” (Psalm 91:1).

The first verb is “dwell”. Note that the entire rest of the Psalm depends on this verb. There is no point in reciting the promises without looking at the condition for the promises to be fulfilled, which is “dwelling”. Because many people make this mistake, those with a shallow knowledge of the Scriptures and a fragile relationship with God tend to focus on the Bible’s promises and the “good” parts. But no passage in the Bible exists out of context. The Bible is whole.

People don’t ask themselves: who will this happen to? What is the condition for this? It is the same thing that happens with Psalm 23. The emphasis is on “I shall not want”, but the person forgets that the condition is that the Lord be their Shepherd. Therefore, you need to be His sheep, and consequently, you need to hear His voice and be in His flock. Otherwise, what’s the point of reciting this Psalm?

“To dwell in the secret place of the Most High” is (whether you are in danger or not, whether you are in good times or bad): you have decided to dwell in the presence of God (that is, with Him). And when you move cities, you don’t make the decision lightly. You consider, you think because, “there”, you will live every day. And you choose the best place. So, this involves you leaving the home you currently live in.

No one is born already living in the Shelter of the Most High. Many people came to church as children and said: “I don’t want anything to do with church anymore. It’s very boring. I want to know what it’s like out there.” So, people associated the church with a prison. If you have children, you know what I’m talking about. No matter how much you warn, they don’t want to see; they want to go to the prince of darkness’ valley (and from there, many don’t return).

Conclusion: all the promises in Psalm 91 are for those who have decided to dwell in the Shelter of the Most High. God is my family, my friend, my protector, my supplier. I have everything I need here. There is no life outside the Shelter of the Most High.

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Bishop Renato Cardoso