What are you going to do regarding the crucified and resurrected Lord Jesus? You have the opportunity to do everything differently from now on!
Easter is one of the oldest religious celebrations of humanity. For more than 3,000 years, Easter has been celebrated.
The Jews began in Egypt when God provided for the departure of the people after 400 years. There, they came to be enslaved. And that night, God said everyone should stay home with the family, prepare for the journey and sacrifice a perfect, one-year-old male lamb. They should mark the doorpost outside the house with the lamb’s blood. So that the destroying spirit (which God would send as the tenth plague against Pharaoh for not allowing God’s people to go free) would pass through all of Egypt. And in every house that did not have the mark of the lamb’s blood, the destroyer would come in and strike the firstborn of that family. Then, the Hebrew people obeyed the direction of God. They ate Easter: the meat of the lamb, the unleavened bread and the bitter herbs (a symbol that would remind them of the years of slavery in Egypt). Finally, Pharaoh expelled them from there.
Since then, the Jewish people have celebrated Easter. And Christianity embraced Easter because this ceremony that took place in Egypt, in fact, pointed to the lamb that God would sacrifice centuries later: His Son. It would be to free us from the slavery of sin, of death (just as the Hebrews were slaves in Egypt). The Lord Jesus came into the world as a perfect lamb (without sin), he was sacrificed, and those who mark their lives with His blood are free from the spirit of death. We celebrate Easter by remembering the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus on “Good Friday”. When He said, “it’s finished”, there was an earthquake, and the sky darkened. There, the covenant with evil was broken. And all who believe in Him are free, as the people of Israel were free from Egypt.
However, remember that Pharaoh still persecuted the Hebrew people after leaving Egypt. They also faced the desert before reaching the Promised Land. Most of the people perished in the desert for lack of perseverance. This also happens these days. The fact that the Lord Jesus won on the cross does not mean we will automatically be saved. We must keep ourselves safe until we reach the Promised Land, which will be Eternal Life (when we will close our eyes in this world).
What does this mean for all of us? You, receiving this message, must consider what the Son of God did on the cross. Jesus is not a fictional figure. There are numerous biblical and extra-biblical records showing that He existed. He was sacrificed and resurrected. Later (1 Corinthians 15:6), He appeared to more than 500 people (who believed in Him to the point of being willing to die by faith in Him). Would anyone give their lives for something being aware that it is make-believe, an illusion? No one would do that in their right mind. But many Christians paid with their lives for believing in Him. The question is: what will you do with the fact of the crucified and resurrected Jesus?
Meditate on this and watch the video above.