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Do you want to receive what is good, do you want to live in peace and be happy?

Yes, the law of return exists, it is real and it is not a law of the universe as they say. Many think the universe is a modern god. But no, the law of return is not of the universe, the law of return is of God Himself and it works for both good and evil.

But Jesus also taught about this law of return when He taught that we should do for others what we want them to do for us. That is if you want something good to come back to you, first you have to take the initiative to do good for other people.

Do you want help? So, make a habit to help those who are in need. If you can help someone, help. If you want mercy, then sometimes you’re going to have to show mercy. This is how we have to live life, not just demanding, demanding that people do good for us, but sowing good for other people first.

This is the law of return. If you believe in it, then you have to sow what is good because it will, at some point, come back to you. Remember, avoid sowing evil.

Listen to the full message in the video above and learn more.

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Bishop Renato Cardoso