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Do you want to be wise? There is a book in the Bible that teaches us how to follow this path and achieve divine wisdom. Start today. "A wise man will hear and increase learning, And a man of understanding will attain wise counsel" Proverbs 1:5

Solomon’s book of Proverbs is an excellent book for everyone to read.

Here’s an excellent tip: if you want to understand the Scriptures, start with the book of Proverbs. But you shouldn’t end after a single book of the Bible. Proverbs is easy to understand, but you must understand the central message of the Bible, which is in the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John). The whole Bible points to the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus and His work of Salvation on the cross because of eternal life, the soul that exists within you. Life is not limited to this body you have, which will last a while and then goes back to dust. Life is the soul which lives in your body. And where does that soul go? Familiarise yourself with the Gospels.

But, going back to Proverbs, this book is a collection of various pieces of advice. As he says at the beginning, it is “to know wisdom and instruction”. That is, everyone can learn from Proverbs, from the young (those who are starting in life) to the most mature.

I’m going to read some pearls from the first chapter of Proverbs for you to get an idea.

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, But fools despise wisdom and instruction” (Proverbs 1:7).

Do you want to increase in learning? Secular culture says you have to go to Google or books. But the Bible says that God is the source of science. All scholars of humanity study things as they are (in other words, everything that God created). So, when the person says: “I’m going to study this subject” but ignores the Creator of that subject, they are already losing. Because when you want to understand something, the best thing is to talk to the creative mind of that something. If you go to the source of knowledge, you will have more knowledge (and understanding).

Unfortunately, today, in schools, science is pitched against faith and faith against science. But that’s not true; there is no such incompatibility. Medicine, for example, is a branch of faith because we have learnt to care for our health. Of course, there is bad practices of medicine (for example, doctors who do not act ethically). But, in essence, medicine comes from God; it is an intelligence to care for our health. One of the Gospels was written by a doctor, who was Luke.

Proverbs talks about having respect for God. And today, many treat Him irreverently and do not follow His advice. If you believe in someone, you must recognise that person’s existence and interact with them. If you believe in a doctor, you follow his prescriptions. But even people who say they believe in God ignore Him. There are people who sometimes achieve some success but, in general, are limited (in family, happiness, Salvation, and relationships). These areas depend on Divine wisdom.

“[…] fools despise wisdom and instruction” (Proverbs 1:7).

Those who despise wisdom must not be okay in the head or something else. And, by the way, see the advice of Proverbs for Carnival: “My son, if sinners entice you, Do not consent” (Proverbs 1:10).

At Carnival, how many young people and even mature people indulge in the pleasures of these parties and destroy their lives? The person suffers in their pocket (money), in the body (for drugs, prostitution, diseases and physical depletion) and from a moral hangover. And people don’t think about it. They fall into the pleasures of Carnival. In other words, those who are wise run away from the falsehood of this world, which promises honey and delivers something bitter.

If you want more wisdom and no headaches in life, meditate on Proverbs. Here’s the tip. Why not start today?

Think about it and watch the video above.

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Bishop Renato Cardoso