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thumb do blog Renato Cardoso

Four ways people fall

You expect bad people to trip up and fall by their own mistakes. When it happens, you’re not surprised. Maybe you even get a sense that justice has been done. But I’ve seen a lot of good people fall too. Good husbands gone bad, good marriages ending in divorce, good jobs lost, good faith turned into cynic skepticism, and a lot more.

In the vast majority of these cases – and I’ve seen thousands of them over the past 25 years – the reason people fall usually comes under one of these categories:

  1. Pride
  2. Money
  3. Men/Women
  4. Emotions

That’s about it. If a good person will fall, he or she will be a victim of one or more of these four horsemen of the personal apocalypse.

If I were you, I’d watch out for them.