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You may be creating a God in your image and likeness and don't know, find out how

“Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness . . . ” (Genesis 1:26). This truth holds many important lessons for us. Mainly, we have a higher, superior standard, which we must aspire to and use as a reference. After all, we came out of Him, we were created in His image and likeness. We’re not the same. We are the “image and likeness”. It’s like your reflection in the mirror (the image is not you). Therefore, we have a standard to which we must aspire.

The children of God (those who want to have a relationship with the Most High) must seek to mould their lives on Him. For example, I have to seek to have the character of God. I have to look for God’s intentions, what He looks for. But after God created man, what has been happening? A very interesting thing: instead of the human being mirroring God, they have preferred to create gods in their image. Today, when you look at people’s spiritual situation, in general, what do you see? You see people who create gods that fit their desires, values ​​and principles. It is a god who does not condemn them in anything but rather approves them in everything they do. Because seeking the Creator will certainly imply many changes that they will have to make (abandon the wrong things).

The human being is proud, they are obstinate and they do not remember that they were made of clay. God could have used any material to create us (steel, gold), but He used clay because clay is malleable. Human beings are stubborn creatures. Instead of trying to be better every day, they prefer to stay the way they are and find a god who doesn’t criticise them. So people get hurt and hurt other people along the way. All because of this rebellion. The human being does not want to be under God, they want to be God. However, God will not accept competitors.

So if you want to have a relationship with God, put yourself in his shoes. You are a creature. Whoever wants to serve God has to be like clay, he has to be malleable and humble. We cannot forget where we came from: the earth. We are dust. So let’s look to God, who is our standard. He is God and we are only His creatures (if we are already born of him, we are children). Follow the full message in the video above and think about it.

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Bishop Renato Cardoso