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I’m free, I do whatever I want

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It’s impossible to have the two: freewill and a God which protects you from yourself. But the human being insists on such craziness. You want freedom to do whatever you want. But in the moment of truth, when the consequence of freedom gone-wild comes back to you, you want divine intervention.

That’s why, in my eyes, the greatest power available to man is not the atomic bomb, money or science – but the power to decide. That power is so great that not even God interferes.

A single decision in your life is enough to change it radically, for the better or worst.

How to deal with such power without hurting yourself?

That’s where the paradox lies.

The best decision we can make is to submit our freewill to God’s direction.

The alternative is a sure way to self-destruction.

Think about this the next time you say, “I’m free to do whatever I want.”
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