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IntelliMen Challenge #38


Men. Intelligent. 
© 2013


Challenge #38

Don’t begin this until you have concluded Challenge #37.
If you want to join the IntelliMen Project, start from Challenge #1.


Challenge: Make a 21-day Fast of Daniel

Explanation: A while back, Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Facebook, announced his new annual challenge: get to know someone outside of Facebook every day. The entrepreneur comes up with yearly challenges for his own personal growth. “Doing something for one year you have all these interesting unintended consequences,” say’s Zuckerberg. One day someone may introduce the IntelliMen project to him.

Mark’s challenge shows that there is power in choosing a goal that’s linked to personal growth in some area of your life. That’s precisely the purpose of a Fast of Daniel — disconnecting from all distracting information for 21 days with the goal of focusing on your spiritual advancement. For a detailed explanation of how the Fast works click here. Take a couple of minutes to read this page.

Your challenge is to make a Fast of Daniel, beginning right now, by following the instructions you just read. On the Fast page you will also find a special purpose with daily tasks to be done during the 21 days; you have the following options:

1. Participate in the Fast without doing the tasks.(That wouldn’t be very challenging, would it?)

2. Participate in the Fast, and choose at least 1 of the 5 daily tasks (better).

3. Be one of the best IntelliMen in the league and do the Fast plus all the daily tasks.

Choose one, and make sure you do what you’ve promised to do!

Use your notebook for any notes you need to make for this task.

Official partner: Encourage your partner to do the Fast and the tasks. Speak to each other as often as possible to keep focused during the Fast.

Deadline: You may begin working on this challenge today and complete it in exactly 21 days. There will be other challenges during this period of time; #39 can be started a week from today.

Post: (Note: Even though the Fast asks you to stay away from social networks, you can log on and post the tasks and then immediately log off.) After — and only after — you have concluded the challenge, post your comments on the IntelliMenWorld Facebook or Twitter page, (not on your own page) and write the following:

IntelliMen Challenge #38 done: I completed the Fast of Daniel. The experience was… (add your thoughts.)

Verification checklist

I clicked the link and read the explanation
I made the Fast for 21 days
I wrote in my Notebook
My partner and I spoke about the challenge
I posted my comments on Facebook/Twitter