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Kony 2012

Imagem de capa - Kony 2012

Find 30 minutes and watch this video without interruption or distraction. Use headphones, if you can.

First of all, congratulations to Jason Russel and the team behind this — the people who care.

I won’t restate the points that are well made in the video, but would like to draw your attention to a few, unspoken points:

  • Jason’s initiative proves my point from yesterday’s post
  • This video is a wonderful example of how one camera and a brain can start a revolution and create change
  • Although I fully support the cause (here am I doing my bit to make Joseph Kony famous), for us with spiritual discernment, we know that there is an even worse invisible enemy than Kony. If that enemy is not made visible — mark my words — other Joseph Konys will continue to spring up after him. Kony is just a puppet. Yes, he must be stopped. But the world cannot be under the illusion that doing away with Kony will rid the world of evil. The bigger question everyone must ask is, What’s driving Kony and why does he do what he does? Of course I’m talking about Satan, the devil. Sorry (not) if I offend you or sound too medieval for you. If you don’t see that now, one day you will. I just hope it won’t be too late. By the way, here are documents by the NY Times that report Kony as being regularly possessed by spirits.
  • This video proves that you — yes, even you — can create change. Technology today makes it possible for anyone to impact the world, if they want to.
  • Indignation, righteous anger, a revolted spirit have nothing to do with feeling, but with doing. Jason did not simply “feel sorry” for the Invisible Children — he did and has been doing something for them for the past 9 years. So please don’t say you’re angry or revolted about anything. Show it.

I want to thank Sulma for sharing this video with me.