OQJF DAY: What Would Jesus Do?
You should ask yourself how to do what the Lord Jesus would do. Start with His Word, follow His example and seek help from Him; then, yes, you will have the right direction.
Every first day of each month is the OQJF day. These are the initials of the phrase “What would Jesus do?” in Portuguese. This movement aims to lead people to ask themselves: “What would Jesus do in this situation?” And through a sincere search for the answer, people find the best way to act. It’s every first day of each month so that we can put Him first.
How will I know what Jesus would do about my child or financial life? Do you know when you know a person so well from living with them for so long that you are faced with a situation and remember that person at the time? You say: “If so-and-so were here, they would say this and that.” What made you remember the “so-and-so”? It was your intimacy with them. You knew them so well that you could predict their actions in that situation. It’s no different with the Lord Jesus.
To know what Jesus would do, you need to be intimate with Him. A great start is to read His words. Become familiar with the thoughts of the Lord Jesus in the Gospels (four books in which four different witnesses talk about and testify of the Lord Jesus).
First, start to make reading and meditating on the Gospels a habit. You cannot “devour” the words of the Lord Jesus like one who eats a sandwich. If you really want to get to know Him, you have to taste and enjoy His words. None of His words were random, by chance, or to “pad out” his speech. Everything had a suitable target. Often, people were even in awe because His words were so strong.
So, start learning the words of the Lord Jesus. Whoever listens and practices what He says stands firm like a house on the rock. You need to put this into practice in your life. The more you put these words into practice, the more automatic the answer to the initial question will be. You’ll never be unaware of what to do again. You will never depend on others to guide you again.
If you are going to imitate someone, you have the greatest and best example in the world: the Lord Jesus. Try to have His Spirit, and you will never again have doubts about what to do. Read the Gospels. Pray and ask Him because He is a Person. He will teach you and mould you. The Spirit of the Lord Jesus will never leave you without an answer.
So, from today on, you should ask yourself daily, “What would Jesus do in my place?”
Check out the entire message in the video above.