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thumb do blog Renato Cardoso


Don't put this separation between you and God anymore; be radical and run away from the understanding thieves.

In the Bible, the veil has a very important meaning for all of us. Some try to put this veil back on between them you and God. You know that the veil serves to separate or hide. There are passages in the Bible that talk about it.

When Moses, on Mount Sinai, spoke to God, there was a time when his face shone. The presence of God made his skin shine, and the people saw it. For the people to have some comfort (because they feared being in direct contact with God, because they did not see themselves in a position to do so), the people asked him to put a veil on his face (Exodus 34).

Throughout the Old Testament, this symbolised the separation between God and the human being. Even in the Tabernacle and, then, in the Temple, a veil separated the first “room” from the second “room” in that place. Only the High Priest entered the Holy of Holies once a year.

When the Lord Jesus said on the cross that it was finished, the veil in the Temple rebuilt by Herod was torn from top to bottom (God supernaturally tore the veil, exposing the Holy of Holies and giving the people free access to God).

Nowadays, people have the freedom to access the presence of God. You don’t have to say, “Pastor, pray for me”. He can pray, but you should not be in someone else’s spiritual dependence. Don’t cancel what Jesus did on the cross for you.

When you talk to God in Jesus’s name, you have access to Him. And what is not lacking nowadays are people who give themselves the title of “pastors” and say they will pray for you. What this person wants are followers on social media. Some ” pastors ” wish to place themselves between the person and the Altar, the Bible, or their prayer. They want to put the veil on your face again, separating you from God. But the Lord Jesus has already torn this veil.

The true man of God teaches you to connect with the Most High and makes you spiritually independent. That’s why we talk so much about the Holy Spirit, who is God because He becomes your guide. The true Shepherd and Bishop of your soul is the Lord Jesus. Don’t let the veil that has been torn be put back on your face and separate you from God.

Watch the entire message in the video above.

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Bishop Renato Cardoso