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Putting down new roots

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It’s not enough for you to simply cut off bad roots. New rootsneed to be put down because you do not only want to stop the bad fruit; you wanta new life with good fruit. But this is only possible when you have a new root…one that is good.

How do we acquire this root? One step is to changethe source of your trust.
How? God Himself explains this through the prophet Jeremiah(17.5-8):
Thus says the LORD: Cursed is the man who trusts inman and makes flesh his strength, whose heart departs from the LORD. (By trusting in doctors,lawyers, the wise of this world, and in your own wisdom and abilities, youforget to trust in God. Notice that they will live under a curse — notsimple bad luck or a bad period of time, but a constant state of negativity andsuffering.)
For he shall be like a shrub in the desert, (abandoned, alone, isolated,rejected, despised) and shall not see when goodcomes, (Blindedby your own pride, you will miss opportunities; you may even have materialpossessions but you will not enjoy them — like many rich people in this world.)but shall inhabit the parched places in thewilderness, in a salt land which is not inhabited. (You will attract bad things,and will live in the worst situations)
Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, and whosehope is the LORD. (He makes Him his root, he trusts in Him, he only looks toHim for help)
For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, (the Holy Spirit) whichspreads out its roots by the river, (that flows from the throne of God) andwill not fear when heat comes; (bad news, bad times) but its leaf will be green, (Your appearance does notchange, as with many, who are like the moon and depend on externalcircumstances.) and will not be anxious (mental and emotional state)in the year of drought, (prolonged difficulties) nor will cease from yieldingfruit. (Nothingcan be used as an excuse for not bearing fruit because this tree continues tobe fed by the rivers of water around the root.)
Changing your source of trust means that you recognizethat Jesus is your Root. He is the single source of energy that you need forlife. But to receive this energy, you have to connect to it, to become areceptor of it. In His own words: Apart from me, you can do nothing.
How can you apply this in your life?
Take backyour trust of people, things, knowledge, in yourself, and place it completelyin God. Keep on studying, going to the doctor, interacting with people — butdon’t trust in these things. Understand that everything and everybody islimited and can disappoint.
Start todevelop a dependence, a relationship with the true Root, Jesus. Talk to Himconstantly. Meditate on what He says in the Bible. Go to His house with othersof the same faith. Seek to please Him and to follow His counsel.