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SELF-IMPOSED CURSES: Have you cursed yourself?

After watching this video, you will find out that sometimes you curse yourself. But I have good news; you can change that today!

Today, I want to discuss “the self-imposed curse”. It’s that curse that comes out of the mouth of the cursed person. You must know that words have power (for good and evil), and they have a meaning. The Bible states: “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat of its fruit” (Proverbs 18:21).

If you say to a child: “I don’t know why you were born,” you destroy that child for the rest of their life. If you say, “I don’t love you anymore,” you destroy that relationship. You can also restore it by saying: “I forgive you. Let’s start over. I believe in both of us, and I believe in your change.” When you speak words of life, then you can convey life too.

We have an example of this in Job: “After this Job opened his mouth and cursed the day of his birth” (Job 3:1). If you don’t have anything good to say, stay silent. It’s one thing for you to think something, but another thing to say that something. Sometimes it’s best to keep your mouth shut. Job opened his mouth and only said nonsense. Job lived torn between faith and doubt.

It’s like someone who already expects evil: “It’s too good to be true”. Because in the person’s head, they were born to suffer, not to conquer or be happy. The person keeps anticipating evil, a self-imposed curse (the person is cursing themselves). That’s when the person says: “I’m dumb. I’m not good at math. I’m not good at writing. I’m not good at speaking in public.” Do you need to open your mouth to say that? Words have power. When we speak, we prophesy. And we live to fulfil the prophecy. So I’m not going to take a course; I’m not going to try something new. I will always stay the same because I’ve already reached my limit.

Sometimes a family member says: “No, my son, our family is humble.” In other words: “Don’t aim high. That’s the best we can have.” Or the person observes themselves and says: “I’m ugly”. In love life: “It seems I don’t have luck in love”. These are examples of self-imposed curses. Job realised that he was cursing himself. Likewise, you can repent, recognise the madness you committed and seek this wisdom from God to see the power of the tongue in yourself and others. You can do that. Watch the video above and think about this message.

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Bishop Renato Cardoso