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Understand what it is and how to stay in the Shelter of the Most High since it is there that you have security and happiness, and nothing outside of it attracts you.

I don’t know if you knew that when Satan chose to use a biblical verse to try to deceive the Lord Jesus (if this is possible, but, in his pride, he tried), out of all the Holy Scripture, the passage he chose was Psalm 91.

In other words, Satan knew and still knows the power contained in these words. Because, in the temptation of the Lord Jesus, he used Psalm 91 (even though partially because he is a master at distorting the Scriptures). He suggested that the Lord Jesus throw Himself from the pinnacle of the Temple. Naturally, the Lord Jesus did not fall into Satan’s plot. But to say the least, why he used this passage is interesting.

Just the fact that the devil recited Psalm 91 shows us there is no point in just quoting the Psalm. There’s no point in having Psalm 91 written down somewhere if you don’t practice what it says.

The first condition that is placed in the Psalm is that the person must dwell in the Shelter of the Most High; the person must feel at home with God. Many people attend church today but feel like a fish out of water. They are not familiar with the Bible.

To dwell, you have to be in communion with yourself. Your thoughts should be with Him at all times. The Shelter of the Most High is not an address on Earth. He was talking about the place that a person chooses to live in. Your relationship with God is your foundation, your rest. You speak inwardly to God and seek to hear His voice (whether in the car or doing the laundry). Your lips don’t move, but you are talking to God inside.

The opposite of the Shelter of the Most High is Satan’s open place. God provided his hiding place to protect us from the evil that plagues this world. The prince of this world is Satan; if you have understanding, you will not make this world your home.

This world is the open space of the most low. It’s a world where no one belongs to anyone. So, if you want to be safe, you must run to the Shelter of the Most High and have the joy you have when you come home after a trip or a day at work.

Watch the video above and understand more about the subject.

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Bishop Renato Cardoso