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Your spiritual life may have been destroyed by autopilot mode, but there is a way to regain control and overcome it.

Have you ever felt or are you feeling “cold” spiritually? A “spiritual flu” caught you, so to speak?

Do you no longer feel like reading the Bible, praying, going to church, fasting, or thinking about the things of God? You have become discouraged about everything that concerns Him, but have been motivated by everything contrary to faith, to what is connected to this world, to what is carnal and material. That is sports, movies, games, TV series, gossip, celebrities, music, parties and everything else. You are motivated by it but unmotivated by spiritual things.

How did that happen? Many people do not realise that they are on “autopilot”. When the aeroplane pilot reaches a certain height, he activates the autopilot, which keeps the plane in that mode. And people enter this spiritual coldness after a conquest or when they are well. I’ve never seen anyone have spiritual coldness in the eye of the storm. When the problems come, we bend our knees, go to church, wake up at dawn, fast. But when we are on a level where the sea is calm, and the sky is blue, we think everything will be fine, and we will stop doing what we did during the storm. And, unintentionally, your spiritual immunity is going down without you noticing. The tendency is for you to settle spiritually.
When you have low immunity, as with the body, you are vulnerable to any problem. A person looks down their nose at you and talks nonsense about you, and you, with low immunity, don’t let it pass. “I’m not going to leave like this.” At another moment, you would have left aside and said: “God bless this person”.

As it is written: “Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall” (1 Corinthians 10:12).

We all have to be alert to what is around us. But if you’re spiritually cold, what do you do? There are two enemies. One is called “guilt” because you were sloppy with your spiritual life, and thus, you feel guilty. “I didn’t pray; God must be upset with me.” I remember a person who was in this state, and they said: “When I think about praying, reading the Bible and going to church, a voice comes and says: ‘You want to pray, only now? Now that you have a problem, do you want to seek God? When you were fine, you didn’t want to. God won’t hear you.'” And to that are added the sins, which accuse them. So, the guilt weighs, and it creates a blockage in the person.

I remember that the prodigal son faced a battle to return home (Luke 15:11-32). “Do I come back or not? My father will be mad at me when he learns I spent all the inheritance.” He fought an internal battle. But finally, he returned to his father and said: “I have no right to be called your son, so accept me among your servants”. He put himself down. And his father didn’t rub it in his face. The father rejoiced and ran to him; he threw a party.

So, if you’re cold, with guilt, don’t think that God is thinking badly about you. The devil is the one who accuses you. God will say: “My child, now you have spoken to me”.

The second thing is the “lack of desire”. You say: “I don’t feel like praying or going to church”. We don’t live by what we feel; we live by faith. Initially, we will do it without feeling like it. You read the Bible and didn’t understand: keep reading. You went to church and didn’t feel anything: keep going. You are cold because, at some point, you started doing your own will.

Do you understand? Watch the entire message in the video above and put it into practice.

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Bishop Renato Cardoso