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What are the factors that cause poverty in human beings. Understand this and decide to use faith that fills in any gap.

We have said previously that poverty consists of a lack of knowledge, a relationship with God, mental work and character. All this is behind poverty. I’m not saying that poor people don’t have God.

People sometimes hear things and interpret them in the wrong way. I’m talking about a number of factors that cause poverty in human beings, more than a lack of resources. The world is full of resources, and humans have the intelligence to prosper even in the desert (as in the Middle East). And when I say “lack of a relationship with God”, we see that when the people of Israel were well with God, naturally, things worked out. When the people turned their backs on God, they turned to other gods who promised riches, and what followed was misery.

This does not mean that a person with God does not go through instability occasionally. You may be a person full of the Holy Spirit, but you go through a complicated situations because of the circumstances.
For example, Abraham went through a period of hunger, so he moved to Egypt for food (Read Genesis 12:10). God had always supported him. As Paul said: “Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learnt in whatever state I am, to be content: I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learnt both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:11-13).

The main wealth of people who walk with God is precisely this certainty: I will always be assured. Maybe you are a person of God, but you heard your heart’s voice and did business with someone who was not of God, and they gave you a big surprise, taking your money. God doesn’t stop us from making wrong decisions, though we will reap the fruits of this. It is not because you believe in God that you are free from bad decisions.

But one thing is sure; if you walk with God, your poverty will be temporary. The person doing the right things will succeed in their work.

I want to tell you who have a privileged financial life – don’t lean on your money. And the poor should not use poverty to remain poor. The wealth that God gives us is from faith. He will give you direction to get out of this situation. Don’t think, “I have no degrees or my family is poor”. You have faith. God supported the people in the desert through faith. Faith teaches us. And faith makes you walk on justice, a solid basis, so as not to lose in the future.

Check out the entire message in the video above.

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Bishop Renato Cardoso