There are two groups of people in the world, those who want a superhero to change their life and those who want to be the superhero, to solve all of humanity's problems. Which group are you in?
You can divide human beings into two groups: one that seeks a superhero and another that wants to be the superhero.
Most of them are in the first group. It’s much easier for you to wait for someone to come and rescue you. The work is not yours (you only have to wait). But some people think they are their family’s saviours, for example. Some fathers and mothers support their children in everything, doing for them what they should do. In society, it is also like this: someone is always raising a flag (but not always with the best intentions; these people want to take advantage of others).
Many in search of becoming this superhero keep taking people’s pains for themselves. I can’t remember when I took someone’s pain, and it worked. Usually, it ends badly. You see it in a street fight. Some people die because they went to defend the other person, who was being beaten up. I’m not saying we shouldn’t go out to support the defenceless, but it doesn’t always work to take someone elses pain. And usually, these people who seek to take someone elses pain do not have much control over their emotions (they are angry or emotional).
“Surely He has borne our griefs And carried our sorrows; Yet we esteemed Him stricken, Smitten by God, and afflicted” (Isaiah 53:4). That is, the only one who can solve the pains of human beings is God Himself. Only He can absorb our pains and overcome them. Ultimately, Jesus Christ overcame the pains of the cross and death because He is God. And He did it because no one else could bear it but Him.
You are lost if you are in the group looking for a hero in this world. No one can take someone’s pain, solve all problems, and remain standing. That’s why it’s God you should look for. He guarantees in His Word. Stop waiting and call upon God.
And you, a “superhero”, must be angry, frustrated, taking the pains of others to yourself. So, let’s look at Who won. He is sitting next to the Father. Let’s trust Him. Don’t wait for someone to rescue you; don’t try to take God’s place. Our part is to pray for the person and set a good example. And nothing else but our part. Let God do what is up to Him.
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