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Have you ever had that crazy dream that doesn't make any sense or the one that seems to make a lot of sense? Learn the meaning of dreams in your life in the Bible.

A controversial and complex to understand subject is the dream. There will always be someone to say that God has always spoken through dreams in the past. Joseph and Daniel, for example, interpreted dreams.

But let’s understand what the Word of God says about this because it should be our supreme and final authority on this and any other subject.

The problem is that what the Bible says is not enough for some people, so they must add something more. They don’t want to think or reason, so reading a horoscope or having a “prophet” who says what they must do is easier.

In the case of dreams, science will say that the brain organises, when we sleep, all the memories, information, feelings, and concerns we live. It’s like a deep cleaning that, first, leaves the house upside down and then cleans and tidies everything up. That’s what happens during sleep. It is our physical and emotional health repair system.

The Bible Itself says:

“For a dream comes through much activity, And a fool’s voice is known by his many words.” Ecclesiastes 5:3

So, it is natural that when we are tense or worried about something, we dream about that situation. So, do not give it meaning because it is part of human nature.

“God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by His Son…” Hebrews 1:1

Here, the author of Hebrews recognises that, in the past, God spoke in many ways: through dreams, literally from heaven, visions, and prophets. And God chose these forms because there was no written Bible.

In the case of Pharaoh, God disturbed him with the dream of fat and skinny cows and spoke to him through Joseph. The Bible did not exist then, and even if there were, would Pharaoh read it? It was the same when Daniel, in Babylon, interpreted the king’s dream. They were distinct, specific situations that He spoke through dreams.

But today, we have the Bible, the name of the Lord Jesus, to pray and ask for anything and the Holy Spirit to guide us. After that, do you still need a dream? It is evident that God has changed the way of speaking, and whoever goes beyond this is at risk of making mistakes and following false doctrines and false prophets.

So, don’t worry if you had a good or bad dream. In fact, what matters are the dreams we have awakened because we plan for them and use our faith. I’m also not saying that He can’t, in his sovereignty, use a dream. He can do anything. But He has spoken everything by His Word, Son, and Holy Spirit. Whoever has ears to hear, hear.

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Bishop Renato Cardoso