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Even the devil believes; therefore, there is a great difference between believing only and obeying; when you believe in the Word of God and use faith, you obey your Father, the One who knows what is best for you.

It is essential to understand that faith is not what you know from the Bible; it is not what you say you believe; it is not your religious traditions. According to the Word of God, faith is what you do regarding His Word. Everything else is religiosity.

What is the difference between a person who says they believe in God and the devil (who also believes in God)? If there is any difference, it cannot be in belief because the belief is the same. The difference is in the actions. If a person says they believe in God but behave as the devil wants, that belief is void.

So, people must observe what they do because they believe in God. What happens most in the world is that a false faith in God deceives people; the faith learnt since childhood, which the person inherited from their parents, for example. The person answers without even knowing what they are talking about. There is also the faith in which the person has adopted a religious system. Faith is not what you propose to do religiously. When a person starts to do religious rites without understanding what they are doing, it creates a religion of deception.

What does God want? Just think about what you want as a human being of the people closest to your life. What do you, wife, want from your husband? Is it just money? No (some wives earn more than husbands). The wife wants fidelity from her husband. And the husband wants the same thing. He wants his wife to respect him and look at him with admiration.

God also expects from you fidelity, prioritising Him, and doing His will above yours. There are times when this will require personal sacrifices. Just as a father or mother is ashamed to go to school because of their child’s actions, God asks you to remember His character in this world. It’s like the mother who says to her child: “What a shame! That’s not what I taught you.” Why do you shame Him with his behaviours if you believe in God?

Thus, faith is not religiosity; it is not to say blessings (“I have prayed and have been blessed”). Some unbelievers cry out to God in times of desperation, and He answers them. God, in His wonderful grace, makes the sun shines on the righteous and the unrighteous. It’s not because you have blessings that God is in your life. Don’t match your financial success with your relationship with God. What God wants from us is obedience to practice His Word. If you believe in Him, He wants you to follow His advice. Those who do not believe and want to deceive themselves adopt some religious tradition.

Think about all this. Follow the video above.

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Bishop Renato Cardoso