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Remorse does not bring you any benefit, but genuine regret produces a change in habits and thoughts.

Most people who want to change their lives can’t. And they ask themselves: “Why can’t I stop suffering? In my relationships, I suffer so much. In my professional life, I’m not successful. I’m always frustrated, feeling an emptiness. And every year I make lists and plans, I decide that everything will be different, but everything gets worse.”

A true answer that meets many in this situation is that remorse does not produce change; only repentance produces change. Many people feel remorse for what they are going through. “Remorse” is a feeling of regret and sadness, but not enough to pay the price for a change. “Repentance” includes a feeling of sadness but goes beyond this: it is a decision to sever the flesh, change course, and abandon what causes suffering. So, “repentance” and “remorse” are different things.

For example, the person thinks, “I have to lose weight.” Then they sit at the table, eat more than they should, and feel remorse: “I shouldn’t have eaten that cake, that potato.” At the next meal, they repeat the same behaviour. Repentance is: “I’m not going to buy this food anymore. I’m going to exchange this food for that one. This no longer enters my house.” It’s a change of mind.

Your marriage will never change if you don’t repent from what harms your marriage. Your financial life will never change if you do not repent from the habits that destroy your money (purchases to feel better, gifts to win people’s admiration). As long as you don’t change your ability to work or the way you see your job, things don’t change. Maybe you’ll work angry with the boss, the employees, and the money you receive. How will you prosper if you curse your work? The change comes with repentance.

The Lord Jesus has spoken several times about repentance. He said He came to call those who recognise their flaws, their conditions. He said that the “healthy” do not need a “doctor” but “Those who are sick”. When you recognise this, you’ll make better decisions. At first, it’ll be uncomfortable because you’re used to what’s wrong. But soon, you will get used to a new reality of doing what is right. And, in due course, be patient (don’t forget the “time of the promise”); you will reap.

Think about it through the video above.

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Bishop Renato Cardoso