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Thought #29 – The poor Bill Gates

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Part of the series “40 Thoughts of Jesus.” View all previous here, but first learn how the purpose works here.

“For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?” Mark 8.36,37

Currently, the world’s wealthiest man is Bill Gates, with a fortune of $79 billion dollars. For you to have an idea of how much money that represents, if he spent $45 dollars every second, every day, 24 hours a day, he would need to live 55 more years to be able to spend all his fortune (and that is if he doesn’t earn a penny more during this period).

Yet, Bill Gates is not the owner of the world. His fortune represents an infinitesimal fraction of our planet’s riches. Imagine that one day someone would be the owner of all the riches that exist, to the point of making Bill Gates look like a beggar. Jesus said that your soul is worth more than the fortune of that someone.

Are you able to perceive the value of your soul?

Unfortunately, most of us have no idea of our own value. For this reason, we value many people and things above ourselves.

When you absorb this Thought of Jesus, which is about the value of your soul, you will never look in the mirror the same way. You will never allow other people’s opinion to make you feel less than. You will never give your soul in exchange for the “riches” of this world. You will never despise the One who valued you so much.

I have heard many people say that someone’s soul is priceless. The truth is that the price of my soul plus the ones of all those who believe in Him, cost the life of my Lord Jesus. Now imagine what He is worth.

Application: Value your soul and the One who valued it above all the riches of this world.

What do you think of the value that Jesus gave to your soul? Do you struggle with low self-esteem? Now that you know your worth, how will you look at yourself? And what do you say about those who badmouth the offerings destined to the salvation of the souls? Leave your comment.


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