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Two types of people that God admires

The Bible shows us who they are

There are two types of people that Jesus admired. The Lord Jesus admiring someone is already great because He is God. And when God admires something, you have to pay attention to what He admires.

One type of person admired was the centurion, who was a Roman soldier responsible for one hundred soldiers. Because he was Roman, he was not of Jewish heritage, he did not have the history of Israel that the Jewish people had. But even so, he heard of the Lord Jesus and had a sick servant. Then he spoke to the Lord Jesus, who said He would go to his house to heal the servant. However, the centurion did not feel worthy that the Lord Jesus would go to his house and asked Him to send a word, because the centurion recognised the power of authority. Thus, the Lord Jesus admired the faith of that man. Because it was an intelligent faith, that used reasoning.

Firstly, for sure, the Lord Jesus admired him for his humility. And, secondly, He admired his faith. That man’s intelligence made his faith superior to the faith of all the religious people in Israel. Look what kind of faith pleases God. In Israel, what was not lacking was religiosity and the Lord Jesus was not admired by the religiosity of those people.

The faith that pleases God is not religious. “I’m going to maintain a ritual. I’m going to keep a religious habit. I’m going to wear this outfit. I will wake up that time to work on some religious ritual to impress God.” This does not impress the Lord Jesus. That’s religious theatre. God is much more concerned with our inside rather than with the outside.

If you reason; faith is a matter of intelligence. Many think that faith and science are enemies, but on the contrary: the person who has faith is intelligent. It is a matter of intelligence that you conclude that there is something bigger than you in this world and that you are not the result of a casual explosion. Do you think that the chemical elements, out of nowhere, due to an explosion (which you do not know where it came from), came together after the explosion and the creation arose? I ask you: when was the last time you saw someone put a bomb on a building and after it exploded, a new building appeared?

The second type of person is in Mark 6:6. The Lord Jesus went to the place where people saw Him grow up. But His fellow compatriots didn’t believe Him. Then, He admired their disbelief.

Therefore, the two types of people that the Lord Jesus admires are those who have intelligent faith and those who are incredulous. The unbelieving causes God to be astonished. And what end will they have when they pass over from this life and open their eyes in eternity? (seeing that everything they denied on this Earth was true) So, they’re the ones who will be astonished. Follow the full message in the video above.

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Bishop Renato Cardoso