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Maybe you went from sweet to bitter moments and didn't even notice. This reflects on the grudges inside you. Sometimes they’re against God.

Have you ever been upset with God? Maybe you’ve even been tempted to hold grudges against Him?

The Bible tells the story of a woman who lost her husband and her two children, and this made her so unhappy that she decided to change her name. She was called Naomi, which means sweet, and changed her name to Mara, which means bitter, and said, “For the Almighty has dealt very bitterly with me.”

She blamed God for the bad things that happened to her and never recovered from the hurt she suffered; she vomited bitterness when she spoke, and thought she would never be happy again.

On the other hand, her daughter-in-law, Ruth, experienced the same tragedy, lost her husband, and, to make matters worse, was a foreigner. The chances of her getting married again were minimal. But, unlike her mother-in-law, she was in a cheerful spirit, willing to turn around and believe, so much so that she married Boaz, became King David’s grandmother, and entered the genealogy of the Lord Jesus. See the difference in attitude?

I’ve even met people who became atheists after facing a loss, and that’s a real shot in the foot. After all, where is the logic of turning against the only person who can help you?

The truth is that if you don’t understand the reasons for life, you are not God. I also don’t understand many ‘whys’, yet He allowed us to trust even without understanding.

For example, I don’t understand aviation. I don’t know how an aeroplane can fly at all with all that weight, and yet I have not stopped travelling in them. I trust the pilots, and that God will keep a favourable climate for a safe flight. People trust when they take medicine, even without understanding how it works, believing it will solve the problem. But then, when they come to God, they want reasons, explanations, and everything in detail.

Bitter people think they are so superior that they find themselves capable of taking God to court. They need a greater dose of humility.

Listen to the entire message in the video above and learn more about it.

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Bishop Renato Cardoso