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How long will you expect others to do what only you can do for yourself? Get moving and change your life.

A very curious situation happened at the time of Jacob and his sons. There was a famine on Earth because there was no rain. Animals died, and there was no harvest, so hunger set in.

Jacob was not in Egypt; he was in his wanderings through the land of Canaan. But in Egypt, the son of Jacob, named Joseph, was governor. Jacob didn’t know this because he thought Joseph was dead. Because of Joseph’s direction, Egypt was the only place to store food for ‘the seven years of the thin cows.’

And there is a little situation commented on about this episode: “When Jacob saw that there was grain in Egypt, Jacob said to his sons, “Why do you look at one another?” And he said, “Indeed I have heard that there is grain in Egypt; go down to that place and buy for us there, that we may live and not die” (Genesis 42:1,2).

These sons were not children; they were 11 adult men. Imagine Jacob seeing them standing still. “Take this money. I have heard that Egypt has food. Go there and bring it here”. And this action – of looking at one another, waiting for someone to do something for the human being, waiting for someone to come and save them, to go and take the initiative – has happened to certain people. “I know it has to change; something has to happen”. But the person does not do something. As time goes by and they end up “starving”.

Think if you haven’t done something similar in your life too. You hear that there is a solution. If this news reached Jacob’s ear, indeed, this information reached the ears of Jacob’s sons, but they did nothing.

Instead of thinking, “Someone had to do something”. You have heard the solution. You’ve been hearing about where there is a solution to the problems you’ve been facing. But, perhaps, despite all that you have heard, you are like the sons of Jacob.

How long will you play deaf and then complain that you don’t know what to do? We are already talking daily about what you have to do: you have to turn to God. He is giving you the way. You have to move. No one is going to do for you what you have to do for yourself. Do what you have to do.

Wake up! Go ahead. Use your faith, your hands and your feet. Where did you hear that there is a solution? What has God been saying to you? Your life will only change when you change. First, it changes the person, then their life.

Think about this message by watching the video above.

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Bishop Renato Cardoso