Words can transform a life for better or for worse; it's up to you to decide what you hear and what you say. Use this power to your advantage!
Human beings are the only being that speaks. We communicate with words. No other being (animal, vegetal or any other) communicates with words. Apart from humans, only God uses words. In fact, this is one of the main characteristics that connect us to God. This is a clear sign that we came from Him. God is the word itself. The devil also speaks, but only because he brought this power from Heaven. The origin of the word is God himself. And this has significant implications for your life.
Remember an old saying: “in the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king”. When no one has one thing, those with at least one will reign over the others. What if we changed the saying to: “in a country of the mute, the king is he who speaks”? We have a power that no other being has. Therefore, we understand that we can dominate all the rest of the creation because of this power. In fact, that’s what God determined at the beginning. He placed man with dominion over the whole Earth. But people don’t think about it and don’t understand the greatness of this power. They use it for evil or do not use it for good as they should.
The Word of God says: “Whoever guards his mouth and tongue keeps his soul from troubles.” (Proverbs 21:23). This Word reveals to us that many of our troubles come from what we speak and what we choose to hear (because others say and plant their “seeds” in us). Some people, for example, have the habit of complaining, murmuring, gossiping or looking at the bad side of things. Social media have become a kind of word bin. There, you get anxiety, worry, fear and other negative things.
You must understand that your mouth can bring anguish, peace, strength, weakness, fear, or faith. That’s the power of our words. Thus, the wise man speaks little, but their words have weight. Our words can increase our pain and of other people too. Not everything that goes on in your mind, you need to say. It’s one thing to think, but it’s another to talk. Once something comes out of your mouth, it doesn’t come back. Writing something is even more serious because you employ your mind and body; it is part of you and is recorded. So, use this power for good. Resist the people and the content that hurt you. It’s like saying: if what you’re going to say will not improve the silence, then keep it quiet. Follow this message in full in the video above and reflect on the subject.