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Have you noticed that sometimes your worst enemy is inside you, in your thoughts and feelings about yourself? However, there is a way to get help and overcome it.

I want to talk to you who have the bad habit of treating yourself poorly, the bad habit of hurting your own life. I ask you: Why do you mistreat yourself so much? Maybe you say, “Do I mistreat myself? No, I don’t mistreat myself!” Yes, many people, more than they imagine, mistreat themselves. Understand: You mistreat yourself when you speak ill of yourself, for example, when you speak ill of your appearance or even when you have evil thoughts.

Some like to get depressed and treat themselves that way, sometimes, comparing themselves to other people… and this is another way to mistreat themselves, because no comparison is fair, [after all] no one is like anyone.

Others mistreat themselves by drinking to anaesthetise their pain, and some also mistreat themselves with other addictions, such as food. Some people mistreat themselves by overeating or eating what is not good. Others mistreat themselves by not eating…

When you mistreat people, you are mistreating yourself, which is a way to communicate the pain you feel in your soul.

If you do not stop or change course, you will find its end, its destruction, which will be sad and tragic. So, how do we solve this? How do we stop mistreating ourselves?

Check out the answer in the video above.

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Bishop Renato Cardoso