Have you ever stopped to think that you might be betraying God and didn't even realise it? Take these minutes to change this situation.
Have you ever been replaced by someone? Have you ever felt what it’s like to be replaced? When someone says, “I don’t need you anymore. Now I have someone else to take your place.” If this has ever happened to you, how did you feel?
Like in old school days when friends were picking teams of some sport and the less skilled were left till last. It is also the same as someone who has been betrayed. The worst pain of betrayal is that feeling of thinking, “Have I not been good enough for you? Does that mean you had to seek for something you didn’t find in me?” Many have also experienced being replaced at work. They were fired and replaced by someone. The pain of replacement is very great because it affects our being, our essence. Sometimes it reflects the reality that we weren’t good enough (not in the case of cheating, but when, for example, the expectation of the employer or the team we were on was not met). Sometimes it was because of an injustice too. Be as it may, being replaced is not something pleasant, something that one welcomes happily.
But did you know that this is what mostly happens to God? For example, when you see a person putting their future, their hope, in money and putting God aside. That is, she didn’t speak with her words, but you can see that she puts her hopes in that. She thinks, works, lives and breathes the following idea: “I need to have a lot of money. Because when I have money, I will be happy and respected. I’ll be able to do everything I want and I won’t depend on anyone”. So, the person makes out of money some kind of “god”. Because that is what is expected of a “god” (that he will come to supply their need, that he will come to sustain, ensure, protect and guarantee their future). But only God can take that place. So the problem is when the person replaces God with God’s creation. When you put money or science, for example, in place of God, you are replacing Him.
And the list is very long. So how many times and in how many different ways has God been replaced by human beings? Listen to the message above and don’t make this mistake.